Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How a New Jobless Era Will Transform America

The above mentioned article appeared in The Atlantic issue of March 2010. I would like each of you to take the time (20-30 minutes) to read the 4 pages.

Remember that the reward is in the journey :-)


1 comment:

  1. Good article. I think that students need to evaluate why they are attending university. Is it just to get a job? If so, maybe they should consider alternatives such as tech programs. It is my opinion that an education is not about getting a job, but about expanding personal knowledge.
    If others in the class would like to read about an experiment involving this issue, they should check out:
    You’re Fired! The Casual Negative Effect Of Entry Unemployment On Life Satisfaction Kassenboehmer – Haisken Denew, The Economic Journal, March 2009.
